AccessControl |
Facade for access control checking |
AccessControlBase |
Base class for Access Control Cheching |
ActionBase |
Simple implementation of an action |
ActionMapper |
Maps actions to URLs |
AjaxRenderDecorator |
Renders result as Ajax Response |
AjaxView |
Renders page as Ajax result |
AlternativeMessageBuilder |
Build message body for a single and an
alternative message |
AnsistringParameterizedRouteHandler |
Handle ansi string (the "sp" type) |
Arr |
Encapsulates some convient array
functions |
AttachmentsBuilder |
Build message body for a message containing
attachments |
BaseCacheHeaderManager |
This cache header manager implements the
basics of client side caching |
BlockBase |
Represents a block |
Cache |
Wrapper around cache access |
CacheDBImpl |
An implememtation of cache as DB
table |
CacheHeaderManagerFactory |
Simple factory for cache header manager |
CacheRenderDecorator |
Caching implementation |
CallbackCommand |
Command to invoke a callback |
Cast |
Cast helper routines |
CatchAllRoute |
Process all URLs that no one seems
responsible for |
ClearCacheCommand |
Clear the Cache
for an item or all |
CommandBase |
Base implementation for commands |
CommandChain |
The command chain executes commands that
form a hierarchy |
CommandChainAdapter |
Adapt any command to be chainable |
CommandComposite |
The command composite executes a set of
commands |
CommandDelegate |
The command delegate delegates all request
to another command |
CommandsBaseController |
Installs a generic post handler at url
/process_commands |
CommandsFactory |
The commands factory instanciates commands,
following the rules for overloading commands |
CommandsRoute |
Handle Command invocation (Check
tokens!) |
CommandsRouteRenderDecorator |
A render decorator that checks for
validation tokens |
CommandTransactional |
The Transaction Command starts a database
transaction before execution and commits on success or rollbacks on
error |
Common |
Helper methods for PHP |
Config |
Contains Configuration parameters |
ConfigGSitemap |
GSitemap config options |
Console |
Helper class for console invoking |
ConsoleOnlyRenderDecorator |
Return 403 if not invoked from console,
effectively forcing users to use the console |
ConsolePageData |
A console implementation of page data |
ConsolePageView |
Render page for console display |
ConsoleRenderDecorator |
Renders result of a controller action for
console output |
ConsoleRouter |
Router for route invoked in Console |
ConstantCacheManager |
Cache manager that returns a
constant value as cache id |
ContentViewBase |
Base class for Views that produce
content |
ControllerBase |
Base implementation for controllers |
ControllerDefaultClassInstantiater |
Class to detect controller classed and
create one instance of each |
ConverterCallback |
A converter that calls function given as
parameter |
ConverterChain |
A Converter Chain |
ConverterFactory |
Generic Converter Factory |
ConverterHtml |
Converts plain texyt to HTML (encode) or
HTML to plain text (decode) |
ConverterHtmlEx |
Converts plain text to HTML (encode) or HTML
to plain text (decode) |
ConverterHtmlTidy |
Converts plain HTML to tidyed HTML |
ConverterMimeHeader |
Converts text into mime encoded text |
ConverterNone |
A converter that does nothing |
Cookie |
Wraps Cookie Handling |
CookieDeleteCommand |
Delete a Cookie |
CookieSetCommand |
Sets a Cookie |
CreateCommand |
Generic create command |
DAOCache |
Table Definition for cache entries |
DAOCoursesTest |
A test class, representing a course at
university |
DAOFormvalidations |
Table Definition for form validations |
DAORoomsTest |
A test class, representing a room in
university |
DAOSessions |
Table Definition for session |
DAOStudentsTest |
A test class, representing students at
university |
DAOStudentsTest2CoursesTest |
A test class, assigning students to
courses |
DAOSystemupdates |
Table for systemupdate version control |
DAOTeachersTest |
A test class, representing teachers at
university |
DataObjectBase |
Base class for all Data Access Objects |
DataObjectCached |
A Dataobject sub class with build in
cache |
DataObjectTimestampedCached |
Base class for items where creation and
modification date is of interest |
DB |
Factory class for DAO classes |
DBCondition |
Simple condition class |
DBConstraint |
Base class for constraints |
DBConstraintUnique |
A unique constraint |
DBDriverMysql |
Driver for MySQL |
DBExpression |
Takes an expression that is used as is for
example when updating |
DBField |
Base class to represent a field |
DBFieldBlob |
A BLOB field im DB |
DBFieldBool |
A boolean field im DB |
DBFieldDate |
A date only field in DB |
DBFieldDateTime |
A date and time field in DB |
DBFieldEnum |
An enum field |
DBFieldEnumStati |
DBField for default
stati |
DBFieldFloat |
A float field in DB |
DBFieldInt |
A integer field in DB |
DBFieldRelation |
A relation between two fields in DB |
DBFieldSerialized |
A field to serialize content, can be
anything, e.g |
DBFieldSet |
A SET datatype as supported by MySQL |
DBFieldText |
A text field im DB |
DBFieldTime |
A time field |
DBFilter |
A filter to apply to a search result |
DBFilterColumn |
A filter to apply to a search result |
DBFilterGroup |
Contains a set of DBFilter instances that
form a group |
DBJoinCondition |
A join condition (table1.c1 =
table2.c2) |
DBNull |
A class to mark something as NULL
explicitely |
DBQuery |
Represents a DB
query |
DBQueryCount |
A query counting results insteead of
returning them |
DBQueryDelete |
A delete query |
DBQueryInsert |
An Insert Query |
DBQueryJoined |
A query that gets joined to another |
DBQueryLimited |
A limited query |
DBQueryOrdered |
An ordered query |
DBQueryReplace |
A Replace Query |
DBQuerySelect |
A select query |
DBQueryUpdate |
An Update Query |
DBRelation |
Defines a relation between two tables |
DBResultSet |
Result set |
DBResultSetMysql |
Result set for MySQL |
DBSession |
Redirect session to write to DB |
DBSortColumn |
A sortable column |
DBSqlBuilderBase |
Base class for SQL builders |
DBSqlBuilderCount |
Build count query for a given (SELECT)
query |
DBSqlBuilderCountMysql |
Count queries for MySQL |
DBSqlBuilderDelete |
Build a delete query |
DBSqlBuilderDeleteMysql |
Delete queries for MySQL |
DBSqlBuilderFactory |
Creates builder for given query type and
driver |
DBSqlBuilderInsert |
Build an insert query |
DBSqlBuilderInsertMysql |
Insert queries for MySQL |
DBSqlBuilderReplace |
Build a replace query |
DBSqlBuilderReplaceMysql |
Implementation of Replace for MySQL |
DBSqlBuilderSelect |
Build a select query |
DBSqlBuilderSelectMysql |
Select queries for MySQL |
DBSqlBuilderUpdate |
Build an update query |
DBSqlBuilderUpdateMysql |
Update queries for MySQL |
DBSqlBuilderWhere |
SQL Builder for WHERE clauses |
DBSqlBuilderWhereGroup |
SQL Builder for grouped WHERE clauses |
DBSqlBuilderWhereGroupMysql |
Where groups for MySQL |
DBSqlBuilderWhereMysql |
Where clauses for MySQL |
DBTable |
Represents a DB
table |
DBTableAlias |
Alias for given DBTable |
DBTableRepository |
Centralized repository of table
definitions |
DBTableSubquery |
Masks a sub query as a table, that can be
used in Joins |
DBWhere |
A DB Where representation |
DBWhereFulltext |
A MySql fulltext where implementation |
DBWhereGroup |
A group of where statements that acts as own
where |
DelegateCommandImpl |
Implementation of Delegate command |
DeleteCommand |
Delete command |
DispatcherInvokeRenderDecorator |
Renders result of a controller action |
EnumParameterizedRouteHandler |
Handle enum (the "e" type) |
ETagRenderDecorator |
The etag render decorator creates a md5 hash
of rendered page and compares this with an etag sended along by the
browser |
EventSource |
Sends events to all registered event
sinks |
ExactMatchRoute |
Allows only exact matches in URLs |
ExecuteShellCommand |
Run a shell command |
ExecuteSqlCommand |
Generic SQL execution command |
ExecuteSqlScriptCommand |
Generic SQL script execution command |
Filter |
Class to create a filter widget and to
filter search results |
FilterDefaultAdapter |
Default Implementation of Filter
adapter |
FilterText |
Class to create a filter widget and to
filter search results by free text |
FilterTextDefaultAdapter |
Default Implementation of Filter
Text adapter |
FormHandler |
Wraps functionality related to forms |
FormValidations |
Stores form tokens |
GsitemapController |
Controls building and rendering of
sitemap |
GSiteMapItemFormatter |
Class to format item in sitemap |
GSiteMapModel |
Encapsulates rules for one sitemap model,
which is a combination of a model and an action and a set of
rules |
GyroDate |
Common Date and DateTime
functions |
GyroHeaders |
This class works around some limitations in
PHP header handling |
GyroHttpRequest |
Download files using http protocols |
GyroJSON |
Convertes from and to JSON Use either
directly or through ConverterFactory like
this: |
GyroLocale |
Manages Encoding and languages |
GyroUnitTestCase |
Extends UnitTest with assertions regarding
Status |
HeadData |
Centralizes HTML HEAD data |
History |
Keeps track of pages called |
html |
Class that wrappes common HTML |
HtmlString |
A class that introduces string functions to
html string (that are strings containing tags) |
IAccessControl |
Interface for access control
implementations |
IAction |
An action |
IActionSource |
Interface for all DAO objects having
actions |
IBlock |
Interface for Blcoks |
ICachable |
Interface for cachable elements |
ICache |
Interface for cache access |
ICacheHeaderManager |
Interface for cache header managers |
ICacheItem |
Represent an item in cache, e.g |
ICacheManager |
A cache manager |
ICachePersister |
Interface for classes that persist cache
items |
IClassInstantiater |
Class instantiater: creates class instances
following some rules |
ICommand |
Interface for commands |
IController |
Controler interface |
IConverter |
Generic conversion interface |
IDataObject |
Base interface for data objects |
IDataObjectQueryHook |
Interface for classes that hook into query
building on dataobject |
IDBConstraint |
A constraint on a DB
table |
IDBDriver |
Defines a db driver, e.g for MySQL or
PostgreSQL |
IDBField |
Interface for DB
Field |
IDBFieldRelation |
Interface for defining a relation between
fields beeing part of a table relation |
IDBQuery |
Represents a DB
query |
IDBQueryModifier |
Base interface for all query modifying
classes like filters, sorters, and alike |
IDBRelation |
Interface for a DB
relation |
IDBResultSet |
Interface for stepping through DB
result set |
IDBSqlBuilder |
Something that creates an SQL string |
IDBTable |
Interface for DB
table |
IDBWhere |
Interface to represent a where
statement |
IDBWhereHolder |
Interface for things that have where
clauses |
IDispatcher |
Dispatcher interface |
IEventSink |
Event sink interface |
IEventSource |
Something issuing events |
IFilterAdapter |
Translates URLs into filter |
IFilterTextAdapter |
Translates URL into free text filter |
IHierarchic |
Interface for things that are part of a
hierarhic (parent => child) relationship |
ILink |
Interface for a link |
IMailMessageBuilder |
Base interfae for mail message builders |
IndexBaseController |
Controller for front page |
InputWidgetBase |
Basic input widget |
InputWidgetBaseBase |
Basic input widget |
InputWidgetCheckbox |
A checkbox |
InputWidgetCheckboxBase |
A checkbox |
InputWidgetDate |
A date widget |
InputWidgetDateBase |
A date widget |
InputWidgetFile |
A file input |
InputWidgetFileBase |
A file input |
InputWidgetHidden |
A hidden input widget |
InputWidgetHiddenBase |
A hidden input widget |
InputWidgetMultiselect |
A multiselect input |
InputWidgetMultiselectBase |
A multiselect input |
InputWidgetPassword |
A password widget |
InputWidgetPasswordBase |
A password widget |
InputWidgetRadio |
A radion option button |
InputWidgetRadioBase |
A radion option button |
InputWidgetSelect |
A select box |
InputWidgetSelectBase |
A select box |
InputWidgetSubmit |
A submit button |
InputWidgetSubmitBase |
A submit button |
InputWidgetText |
A text widget |
InputWidgetTextarea |
A text area |
InputWidgetTextareaBase |
A text area |
InputWidgetTextBase |
A text widget |
InstalledValidator |
Tools for checking if some third party tools
are installed |
IntParameterizedRouteHandler |
Handle int (the "i" type) |
IPagerAdapter |
Adapter for pager to extract and set page
from URL |
IParameterizedRouteHandler |
Handles on type for paramterized routed |
IPolicyHolder |
Something with a polciy (bitflags) |
IRenderDecorator |
Decorates the rendering process |
IRenderer |
Interface for all elements that render
content |
IRoute |
A route checks if a given url can be
processed and invokes the according functions |
ISearchAdapter |
Defines Interface to abstract search |
ISelfDescribing |
Interface for classes that can descrioe
themselves |
ISerializable |
Class that can be serialized |
ISessionHandler |
A class to handle session storage and
retrieval |
ISorterAdapter |
Translate an URL into Sorting |
IStatusHolder |
Interface for any class having status |
ITemplateEngine |
A template rendering class |
ITimeStamped |
Interface for timestamped items |
IUrlBuilder |
Interface for classes that can create
URLs |
IView |
Basic view interface |
IViewFactory |
View Factory extension interface |
IWidget |
Interface for View widgets |
Load |
Wrappers around include functions |
Logger |
Logs stuffs |
MailBaseCommand |
Generic class for sending a mail |
MailCommand |
Generic overloadable class for sending a
mail |
MailMessage |
Encapsulates an e-mail message, allowing
attachments |
MassDeleteCommand |
Executes a mass delete |
Message |
Success message class |
MessageViewBase |
Base class for Views that create simple -
non-cachable - content, like E-Mails |
MimeCacheManager |
Caches content client side, but not server
side |
MimeView |
A content view of any mime type, not only
text/html |
MockIDBTable |
A mock for a DBTable |
NoCacheCacheHeaderManager |
This cache header manager sends cache
headers that forbid the client to cache |
NoCacheCacheManager |
Cache manager to disable
caching |
NotFoundRenderDecorator |
Renders a not found (404) result |
NotFoundRoute |
A route to handle the case of no dispatch
token beeing found |
OfflineController |
Actions for setting page on- or offline |
PageData |
Collects data used to render a page and to
be exchange between different parts of the application |
Pager |
Class to handle pagination |
PagerDefaultAdapter |
Default Implementation of Pager adapter |
PageViewBase |
Base class for rendering a whole page |
ParameterizedRoute |
Allows defining routes that contain
wildcards |
PathStack |
Transform path into array and apply stack
functionality |
PhpinfoController |
Show PHPinfo |
PolicyHolder |
Class holding a policy (bitflags) |
PrivateLazyCacheHeaderManager |
This cache header manager sends cache
headers that let clients but not proxies keep an item in cache
until it expires, without revalidation |
PrivateRigidCacheHeaderManager |
Allow client to cache, but force it to look
up ressource on each request |
PublicLazyCacheHeaderManager |
This cache header manager sends cache
headers that let both clients and proxies keep an item in cache
until it expires, without revalidation |
PublicRigidCacheHeaderManager |
Allow client and proxy to cache, but force
it to look up ressource on each request |
PuintParameterizedRouteHandler |
Handle positive unsigned int (the "ui>"
type) |
RedirectActionRenderDecorator |
Redirect to given action |
RedirectRenderDecorator |
Redirect to given target path (not
Url!) |
Referer |
Referer extends URL and adds some search engine recognition
routines |
RenderDecoratorBase |
Default implementation if IRenderDecorator |
RendererChain |
Delegates rendering to a chain of
IRenderDecorators |
RequestInfo |
Class that returns informations about
current request |
RobotsController |
Replaces robots.txt with a view |
RouteBase |
Basic route, which handles stub urls |
RouterBase |
The Router |
RuntimeCache |
Cache for storing data at
runtime |
Session |
Covers session handling |
SetstatusCommand |
Command to set status |
SimpleCacheManager |
Very simple cache manager |
SimpleTestController |
Controller for running SimpleTest unit
tests |
SingleMessageBuilder |
Build message body for a single message |
Sorter |
Class to create a sorting widget and to
process search results |
SorterDefaultAdapter |
Default Implementation of Sorter
adapter |
Stati |
Contains default stati commonly used |
StaticPageParamterizedRoute |
This route is just to allow parameterized
routes with stati cpages, which is deprecated |
StaticPageRoute |
This routes a static page to
action_static() |
StaticPagesController |
Controller for static pages |
Status |
Status class |
StatusAnyCommand |
Implementation of delegated command to set
status |
StatusCommand |
Command to set status |
StatusCommandsController |
Controller to intercept status change
commands |
String |
Wraps string functions, calls mb_ functions,
if available |
StringMBString |
class using mbstring stuff |
StringParameterizedRouteHandler |
Handle string (the "s" type) |
StringPHP |
class using php functions |
SuccessCacheManager |
Caches only when logged in, uses current
SystemUpdateConnectionMapper |
Allows switching complete modules to another
DB connection |
SystemupdateController |
Controller for system update calls |
SystemUpdateExecutor |
Actually execute systemupdates |
SystemUpdateInstaller |
Class to help installing stuff |
SystemUpdates |
Facade for System Update information |
TemplateEngineSimple |
Simple template that just includes template
file |
TemplatePathResolver |
Finds file for given template ressource |
Timer |
A simple timer |
TracedArray |
This class traces access on its members |
Translator |
Translates strings |
TriggerEventCommand |
Command to trigger an event on the EventSource
class |
UintParameterizedRouteHandler |
Handle unsigned int (the "ui" type) |
UpdateCommand |
Generic update command |
UpfrontCache |
Reads pages from cache without needing a
prior routing process |
Url |
Wrapper around URL handling and
processing |
Validation |
Validate several values |
ViewBase |
Basic genric view implementation |
ViewFactory |
Static view factory |
ViewFactoryAjax |
Overload View Factory to create AjaxView |
ViewFactoryBase |
Default implementation of view factory |
ViewFactoryConsole |
Overload View Factory to create Console view |
ViewFactoryMime |
Overload View Factory to create Mime
View |
WidgetActionLink |
Print link for given action |
WidgetBlock |
A widget printing a named block upon actions
retrieved from given item |
WidgetBreadcrumb |
Print a breadcrumb |
WidgetDebugBlock |
Debug output |
WidgetFilter |
A widget printing filters |
WidgetFilterText |
A widget printing text filter |
WidgetInput |
Create an input widget (not necessarily an
input element) |
WidgetItemMenu |
A widget printing a menu based upon actions
retrieved from given item |
WidgetItemMenuItem |
A widget printing one menu item |
WidgetList |
A generic list |
WidgetListItem |
A generic list's item |
WidgetListSimple |
A generic list, but without pager, sorting
et al |
WidgetPager |
Renders a pager |
WidgetPagerCalculator |
This is a helper class to calculate this and
that required for rendering a pager |
WidgetSorter |
Prints sorting controls |
XmlViewBase |
Create XML content |