
WidgetDebugBlock Class Reference

Debug output. More...

Inheritance diagram for WidgetDebugBlock:
IWidget IRenderer

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  render ($policy=self::NONE)
  Renders what should be rendered.

Static Public Member Functions

static  output ()

Protected Member Functions

  duration ($sec)
  msec ($sec)
  render_db_queries ($only_problems=false)
  render_db_query_explain ($query)
  render_db_query_explain_result (IDBResultSet $result)
  render_db_query_message ($query)
  render_db_query_times ($query)
  render_properties ()
  render_templates ()
  render_translations ()
  sec ($sec)

Detailed Description

Debug output.

Gerd Riesselmann

Definition at line 8 of file debugblock.widget.php.

Member Function Documentation

WidgetDebugBlock::duration ( sec  )  [protected]

Definition at line 206 of file debugblock.widget.php.

00206                                           {
00207                 return $this->msec($sec) . ' - ' . $this->sec($sec);
00208         }
WidgetDebugBlock::msec ( sec  )  [protected]

Definition at line 202 of file debugblock.widget.php.

00202                                       {
00203                 return String::number($sec * 1000, 2) . ' msec';
00204         }
static WidgetDebugBlock::output (  )  [static]

Definition at line 9 of file debugblock.widget.php.

00009                                         {
00010                 $w = new WidgetDebugBlock();
00011                 return $w->render();
00012         }
WidgetDebugBlock::render ( policy = self::NONE  ) 

Renders what should be rendered.

int  $policy Defines how to render, meaning depends on implementation
string The rendered content

Implements IRenderer.

Definition at line 14 of file debugblock.widget.php.

00014                                                    {
00015                 $out = '';
00016                 if (Config::has_feature(Config::TESTMODE)) {
00017                         $out .= html::h('Debug Block', 2);
00018                         if (!Config::has_feature(Config::DISABLE_CACHE)) {
00019                                 $out .= html::warning('Cache is enabled!');
00020                         }
00021                         $out .= $this->render_properties();
00023                         $sections = array(
00024                                 'Slow and Failed Queries' => $this->render_db_queries(true),
00025                                 'Templates'  => $this->render_templates(),
00026                                 'DB Queries' => $this->render_db_queries(),
00027                         );
00028                         // Alow modules extending sections
00029                         EventSource::Instance()->invoke_event('debugblock', 'sections', $sections);
00031                         foreach($sections as $heading => $content) {
00032                                 if ($content) {
00033                                         $out .= html::h(String::escape($heading), 3);
00034                                         $out .= $content;
00035                                 }
00036                         }
00037                 }
00039                 return html::div($out, 'debugblock');
00040         }
WidgetDebugBlock::render_db_queries ( only_problems = false  )  [protected]

Definition at line 70 of file debugblock.widget.php.

00070                                                                      {
00071                 $out = '';
00072                 // Query Logs
00073                 if (count(DB::$query_log)) {
00074                         $table = '';
00075                         $c = 0;
00076                         foreach(DB::$query_log as $query) {
00077                                 $is_problem = !$query['success'] || ($query['seconds'] > Config::get_value(Config::DB_SLOW_QUERY_THRESHOLD));
00078                                 if (!$only_problems || $is_problem) {
00079                                         $table .= $this->render_db_query_times($query);
00080                                         $table .= $this->render_db_query_message($query);
00081                                         $table .= $this->render_db_query_explain($query);
00082                                 }
00083                         }
00084                         if ($table) {
00085                                 $out .= html::tag('table', $table, array('summary' => 'List of all issued DB queries'));
00086                         }
00087                 }
00088                 return $out;
00089         }
WidgetDebugBlock::render_db_query_explain ( query  )  [protected]

Definition at line 124 of file debugblock.widget.php.

00124                                                            {
00125                 $ret = '';
00126                 $is_slow = ($query['seconds'] > Config::get_value(Config::DB_SLOW_QUERY_THRESHOLD));
00127                 if ($is_slow) {
00128                         $sql = $query['query'];
00129                         $result = DB::explain($query['query'], $query['connection']);
00130                         if ($result) {
00131                                 $ret .= html::tr(
00132                                         html::td($this->render_db_query_explain_result($result), array('colspan' => 2)),
00133                                         array('class' => 'query explain')
00134                                 );
00135                         }
00136                 }
00137                 return $ret;
00138         }
WidgetDebugBlock::render_db_query_explain_result ( IDBResultSet result  )  [protected]

Definition at line 140 of file debugblock.widget.php.

00140                                                                                 {
00141                 $rows = array();
00142                 $head = false;
00143                 while($row = $result->fetch()) {
00144                         if ($head === false) {
00145                                 $head = array();
00146                                 foreach(array_keys($row) as $h) {
00147                                         $head[] = html::td(String::escape($h), array(), true);
00148                                 }
00149                         }
00151                         $tr = array();
00152                         foreach($row as $col => $value) {
00153                                 $tr[] = html::td(String::escape($value));       
00154                         }
00155                         $rows[] = $tr;
00156                 }
00157                 $table = html::table($rows, $head, 'Explain Result', array('class' => 'full'));
00158                 return $table;
00159         }
WidgetDebugBlock::render_db_query_message ( query  )  [protected]

Definition at line 113 of file debugblock.widget.php.

00113                                                            {
00114                 $ret = '';
00115                 if ($query['message']) {
00116                         $ret .= html::tr(
00117                                 html::td(String::escape($query['message']), array('colspan' => 2)),
00118                                 array('class' => 'query message')
00119                         );
00120                 }
00121                 return $ret;
00122         }
WidgetDebugBlock::render_db_query_times ( query  )  [protected]

Definition at line 91 of file debugblock.widget.php.

00091                                                          {
00092                 $is_slow = ($query['seconds'] > Config::get_value(Config::DB_SLOW_QUERY_THRESHOLD));
00093                 $cls = $query['success'] ? 'query ok' : 'query error';
00095                 $query_time = array(
00096                         $this->msec($query['seconds']),
00097                         $this->sec($query['seconds']),
00098                 );
00099                 if ($is_slow) {
00100                         $cls .= ' slow';
00101                         $query_time[] = 'Slow!';
00102                 }
00104                 return html::tr(
00105                         array(
00106                                 html::td(html::b(implode('<br />', $query_time))),
00107                                 html::td(String::escape($query['query'])),                                                      
00108                         ),
00109                         array('class' => $cls)
00110                 );
00111         }
WidgetDebugBlock::render_properties (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 42 of file debugblock.widget.php.

00042                                                {
00043                 $endtime = microtime(true);
00044                 $modules = Load::get_loaded_modules();
00045                 $count_queries = count(DB::$query_log);
00046                 $debugs = array(
00047                         'Memory' => String::number(memory_get_usage()/1024, 2) . ' KB',
00048                         'Memory Peak' => String::number(memory_get_peak_usage()/1024, 2) . ' KB',
00049                         'Execution time' => $this->duration($endtime - APP_START_MICROTIME),
00050                         'DB-Queries execution time' => $this->duration(DB::$queries_total_time),
00051                         'DB-Queries' => $count_queries,
00052                         'DB-Queries average time' => $this->duration(DB::$queries_total_time / max($count_queries, 1)),
00053                         'DB connect time' => $this->duration(DB::$db_connect_time),
00054                         'PHP-Version' => phpversion(),
00055                         'Generated' => GyroDate::local_date(time()),
00056                         'Modules' => (count($modules) > 0) ? implode(', ', $modules) : '-' 
00057                 );
00059                 // Alow modules extending props
00060                 EventSource::Instance()->invoke_event('debugblock', 'properties', $debugs);
00062                 // Output
00063                 $li = array();
00064                 foreach($debugs as $key => $value) {
00065                         $li[] = html::b($key . ':') . ' ' . $value;
00066                 }
00067                 return html::li($li);
00068         }
WidgetDebugBlock::render_templates (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 161 of file debugblock.widget.php.

00161                                               {
00162                 $out = '';
00163                 // Template logs
00164                 if (count(TemplatePathResolver::$resolved_paths)) {
00165                         $table = ''; 
00166                         foreach(TemplatePathResolver::$resolved_paths as $resource => $file) {
00167                                 $cls = 'template';
00168                                 $table .= html::tr(
00169                                         array(
00170                                                 html::td(String::escape($resource)),
00171                                                 html::td(String::escape($file)),
00172                                         ),
00173                                         array('class' => $cls)
00174                                 );
00175                         }
00176                         $out .= html::tag('table', $table, array('summary' => 'Mapping of template ressources to files'));
00177                 }
00178                 return $out;
00179         }
WidgetDebugBlock::render_translations (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 181 of file debugblock.widget.php.

00181                                                  {
00182                 $out = '';
00183                 // Translation logs
00184                 if (count(Translator::Instance()->groups)) {
00185                         $out .= html::h('Translations', 3);
00187                         $li = array(); 
00188                         foreach(Translator::Instance()->groups as $key => $group) {
00189                                 if (count($group)) {
00190                                         $li[] = String::escape($key);
00191                                 }
00192                         }
00193                         $out .= html::li($li, 'translations');
00194                 }
00195                 return $out;    
00196         }
WidgetDebugBlock::sec ( sec  )  [protected]

Definition at line 198 of file debugblock.widget.php.

00198                                      {
00199                 return String::number($sec, 4) . '&nbsp;sec';
00200         }

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