
Common Class Reference

Helper methods for PHP. More...

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static  check_if_none_match ($etag)
  Check if If-None-Match header is set and if it matches the given ETag If so, return a "304 Not Modifed" HTTP header.
static  check_not_modified ($date)
  Checks if Modified-Since is sended and sends a 304, if larger then passed date.
static  constant ($name, $default=false)
  Returns value of constant, if defined, else default value.
static  create_temp_file ($content)
static  create_token ($salt=false)
  Creates a token, which is 40 characters long.
static  flag_is_set ($value, $flag)
  Returns true if bitflag is set on value.
static  get_headers ()
  Get all send headers as assoziative array with (lower case) header name as key and full header as value.
static  get_temp_dir ()
  Reeturns temporary directory.
static  header ($name, $value=false, $override=true)
  Send a header.
static  header_remove ($name)
  Remove given header.
static  header_restore ($arr_headers)
  Restore headers.
static  is_cgi ()
  Returns true, if PHP runs as CGI (and not mod_php).
static  is_google ()
static  is_header_sent ($name)
  Returns TRUE, if header with given name was alreday sent.
static  preprocess_input ()
  Strips possible slashes added by magic quotes.
static  send_status_code ($iStatusCode)
  Isusses a header with given http code.
static  split_header ($header)
  Split header into array with name as first element, and value as second.

Detailed Description

Helper methods for PHP.

Gerd Riesselmann

Definition at line 9 of file common.cls.php.

Member Function Documentation

static Common::check_if_none_match ( etag  )  [static]

Check if If-None-Match header is set and if it matches the given ETag If so, return a "304 Not Modifed" HTTP header.

Definition at line 247 of file common.cls.php.

00247                                                           {
00248                 // Get client headers - Apache only
00249                 $match_tag = Arr::get_item($_SERVER, 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH', '');
00250                 if ($match_tag && $match_tag == $etag) {
00251                         // Save on some bandwidth!
00252                         //self::header_restore(array());
00253                         Common::send_status_code(304); // Not modified
00254                         exit;           
00255                 }
00257                 return false;           
00258         }
static Common::check_not_modified ( date  )  [static]

Checks if Modified-Since is sended and sends a 304, if larger then passed date.

Exits application if header was send

Definition at line 216 of file common.cls.php.

00216                                                          {
00217                 if ($date) {
00218                         // Get client headers - Apache only
00219                         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) {
00220                                 // Split the If-Modified-Since (Netscape < v6 gets this wrong)
00221                                 $modifiedSince = explode(';', $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']);
00223                                 // Turn the client request If-Modified-Since into a timestamp
00224                                 $modifiedSince = strtotime($modifiedSince[0]);
00225                         } 
00226                         else {
00227                                 // Set modified since to 0
00228                                 $modifiedSince = 0;
00229                         }
00231                         // Compare time the content was last modified with client cache
00232                         if ($date <= $modifiedSince) {
00233                                 // Save on some bandwidth!
00234                                 // self::header_restore(array());
00235                                 Common::send_status_code(304); // Not modified
00236                                 exit;           
00237                         }
00238                 }
00240                 return false;
00241         }
static Common::constant ( name,
default = false  
) [static]

Returns value of constant, if defined, else default value.

string  $name Name of constant
mixed  $default Default value

Definition at line 193 of file common.cls.php.

00193                                                                  {
00194                 return (defined($name)) ? constant($name) : $default; 
00195         }
static Common::create_temp_file ( content  )  [static]

Definition at line 307 of file common.cls.php.

00307                                                           {
00308                 $ret = false;
00309                 $file = tempnam(self::get_temp_dir(), 'gyro');
00310                 if ($file !== false) {
00311                         if (file_put_contents($file, $content) !== false) {;
00312                                 $ret = $file;
00313                         }
00314                 }
00315                 return $ret;
00316         }
static Common::create_token ( salt = false  )  [static]

Creates a token, which is 40 characters long.

string  $salt Optional extra salt, if ommitted mt_rand() is used

Definition at line 272 of file common.cls.php.

00272                                                            {
00273                 return sha1(uniqid($salt ? $salt : mt_rand(), true));
00274         }
static Common::flag_is_set ( value,
) [static]

Returns true if bitflag is set on value.

int  $value
int  $flag

Definition at line 204 of file common.cls.php.

00204                                                           {
00205                 if ($flag == 0) {
00206                         return ($value == 0);
00207                 }
00208                 return (($value & $flag) == $flag);
00209         }
static Common::get_headers (  )  [static]

Get all send headers as assoziative array with (lower case) header name as key and full header as value.

Use GyroHeaders instead

Definition at line 139 of file common.cls.php.

00139                                              {
00140                 return GyroHeaders::headers();
00141         }
static Common::get_temp_dir (  )  [static]

Reeturns temporary directory.


Definition at line 281 of file common.cls.php.

00281                                               {
00282                 $ret = '';
00283                 if (function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) {
00284                         $ret = sys_get_temp_dir();
00285                 }
00287                 if (empty($ret)) {
00288                         foreach(array('TMP','TEMP','TMPDIR') as $env) {
00289                                 $ret = getenc($env);
00290                                 if ($ret) {
00291                                         break;
00292                                 }
00293                         }
00294                 }
00296                 if (empty($ret)) {
00297                         $ret = Config::get_value(Config::TEMP_DIR);
00298                 }
00300                 if ($ret) {
00301                         $ret = rtrim(realpath($ret), '/') . '/';
00302                 }
00304                 return $ret;
00305         }
static Common::header ( name,
value = false,
override = true  
) [static]

Send a header.

string  $name Name of header or complete header (if $value is false)
string  $value Value of header
bool  If FALSE, header will not be send, if header with same name was already sent

Definition at line 92 of file common.cls.php.

00092                                                                                {
00093                 GyroHeaders::set($name, $value, $override);
00094         }
static Common::header_remove ( name  )  [static]

Remove given header.

Use GyroHeaders instead

Definition at line 101 of file common.cls.php.

00101                                                     {
00102                 GyroHeaders::remove($name);
00103         }
static Common::header_restore ( arr_headers  )  [static]

Restore headers.

Headers not in passed array wil be removed, headers fro marray will be set

Use GyroHeaders instead
$arr_headers  Array of headers retrieved by Common::get_headers()

Definition at line 152 of file common.cls.php.

00152                                                             {
00153                 GyroHeaders::restore($arr_headers);
00154         }
static Common::is_cgi (  )  [static]

Returns true, if PHP runs as CGI (and not mod_php).


Definition at line 15 of file common.cls.php.

00015                                         {
00016                 return  ( substr(php_sapi_name(), 0, 3) == 'cgi' );                             
00017         }
static Common::is_google (  )  [static]

Definition at line 260 of file common.cls.php.

00260                                            {
00261                 if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]))
00262                         return (strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "Googlebot") !== false);
00263                 else
00264                         return false;
00265         }
static Common::is_header_sent ( name  )  [static]

Returns TRUE, if header with given name was alreday sent.

Use GyroHeaders instead
string  $name

Definition at line 126 of file common.cls.php.

00126                                                      {
00127                 return GyroHeaders::is_set($name);
00128         }
static Common::preprocess_input (  )  [static]

Strips possible slashes added by magic quotes.

Definition at line 159 of file common.cls.php.

00159                                                   {
00160                 // Is magic quotes on?
00161                 if ( function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
00162                         // Yes? Strip the added slashes
00163                         $_REQUEST = self::transcribe($_REQUEST);
00164                         $_GET = self::transcribe($_GET);
00165                         $_POST = self::transcribe($_POST);
00166                         $_COOKIE = self::transcribe($_COOKIE);
00167                 }
00168         }
static Common::send_status_code ( iStatusCode  )  [static]

Isusses a header with given http code.

Definition at line 22 of file common.cls.php.

00022                                                               {
00023                 if (headers_sent()) {
00024                         return;
00025                 }
00026                 $arr = array(
00027                         100 => 'Continue',
00028                         101 => 'Switching Protocols',
00029                         200 => 'OK',
00030                         201 => 'Created',
00031                         202 => 'Accepted',
00032                         203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information',
00033                         204 => 'No Content',
00034                         205 => 'Reset Content',
00035                         206 => 'Partial Content',
00036                         300 => 'Multiple Choices',
00037                         301 => 'Moved Permanently',
00038                         302 => 'Found',
00039                         303 => 'See Other',
00040                         304 => 'Not Modified',
00041                         305 => 'Use Proxy',
00042                         306 => '[Unused]',
00043                         307 => 'Temporary Redirect',
00044                         400 => 'Bad Request',
00045                         401 => 'Unauthorized',
00046                         402 => 'Payment Required',
00047                         403 => 'Forbidden',
00048                         404 => 'Not Found',
00049                         405 => 'Method Not Allowed',
00050                         406 => 'Not Acceptable',
00051                         407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required',
00052                         408 => 'Request Timeout',
00053                         409 => 'Conflict',
00054                         410 => 'Gone',
00055                         411 => 'Length Required',
00056                         412 => 'Precondition Failed',
00057                         413 => 'Request Entity Too Large',
00058                         414 => 'Request-URI Too Long',
00059                         415 => 'Unsupported Media Type',
00060                         416 => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
00061                         417 => 'Expectation Failed',
00062                         500 => 'Internal Server Error',
00063                         501 => 'Not Implemented',
00064                         502 => 'Bad Gateway',
00065                         503 => 'Service Unavailable',
00066                         504 => 'Gateway Timeout',
00067                         505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported'             
00068                 );
00069                 if (isset($arr[$iStatusCode])) {
00070                         $text = $iStatusCode . ' ' . $arr[$iStatusCode];
00071                         if ( self::is_cgi() ) { 
00072                                 header('Status: ' . $text);
00073                         }
00074                         else {
00075                                 header('HTTP/1.x ' . $text);
00076                         }
00077                 }
00078                 if ($iStatusCode >= 500 && $iStatusCode < 600) {
00079                          header('Retry-After: 120'); // Retry after 2 minutes
00080                 }
00081         }               
static Common::split_header ( header  )  [static]

Split header into array with name as first element, and value as second.

Use GyroHeaders instead

Definition at line 113 of file common.cls.php.

00113                                                      {
00114                 return GyroHeaders::split($header);
00115         }

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