

Base implementations for classes having status (or state), like "active", "disabled", "deleted", and such. More...


class   DBFieldEnumStati
  DBField for default stati. More...
interface   IStatusHolder
  Interface for any class having status. More...
class   SetstatusCommand
  Command to set status. More...
class   Stati
  Contains default stati commonly used. More...
class   StatusAnyCommand
  Implementation of delegated command to set status. More...
class   StatusCommand
  Command to set status. More...
class   StatusCommandsController
  Controller to intercept status change commands. More...


  status_load_translations ($languages)
  Status translations.

Detailed Description

Base implementations for classes having status (or state), like "active", "disabled", "deleted", and such.

Function Documentation

status_load_translations ( languages  ) 

Status translations.

Gerd Riesselmann

Definition at line 8 of file status.translations.php.

00008                                               {
00009         return array(
00010                 Stati::UNCONFIRMED => array(
00011                         'en' => 'Unconfirmed',
00012                         'de' => 'Unbestätigt'
00013                 ),
00014                 Stati::ACTIVE => array(
00015                         'en' => 'Active',
00016                         'de' => 'Aktiv'
00017                 ),
00018                 Stati::DISABLED => array(
00019                         'en' => 'Disabled',
00020                         'de' => 'Inaktiv'
00021                 ),
00022                 Stati::DELETED => array(
00023                         'en' => 'Deleted',
00024                         'de' => 'Gelöscht'
00025                 ),
00026                 'Change to ' . Stati::UNCONFIRMED => array(
00027                         'en' => 'Change to Unconfirmed',
00028                         'de' => 'Als Unbestätigt markieren'
00029                 ),
00030                 'Change to ' . Stati::ACTIVE => array(
00031                         'en' => 'Activate',
00032                         'de' => 'Aktivieren'
00033                 ),
00034                 'Change to ' . Stati::DISABLED => array(
00035                         'en' => 'Disable',
00036                         'de' => 'Deaktivieren'
00037                 ),
00038                 'Change to ' . Stati::DELETED => array(
00039                         'en' => 'Delete',
00040                         'de' => 'Löschen'
00041                 ),
00042                 'The status has been changed' => array(
00043                         'de' => 'Der Status wurde geändert.'
00044                 ),               
00045         );
00046 }