AccessDeniedRedirectRenderDecorator |
Catches 403 and redirects to login page, if
user is not already logged in |
AccessRenderDecorator |
Allow access only for logged in users (of
given role) |
AdminDashboard |
Default dashboard implementation for
admins |
AnonymousCacheManager |
Cache manager that caches only
if user is not logged in |
AtomWriter |
Build Atom file, targeted by FeedWriter
class |
Binaries |
Facade class for binaries |
BinariesBaseController |
Defines a view route for binaries |
BinariesCacheManager |
Caches content client side, but not server
side |
BlockRepository |
The block repository allows naming of blocks
and easy enabling/disableing them |
CachedBlock |
A block that caches its content |
CacheHeadersPageView |
An overloaded PageView to serve other cache
headers |
CacheMemcacheImpl |
Cache Persistance using
Memcache |
CacheXCache12Impl |
Cache Persistance using XCache
1.2 |
CacheXCache13Impl |
Cache Persistance using XCache
1.3 |
CacheXCacheImpl |
Cache Persistance using
XCache |
ChangeemailConfirmationHandler |
Confirm email change |
ChangepasswordConfirmationHandler |
Confirm password change |
CKEditor |
Component to include CKEditor on your
page |
CKEditorConfig |
config |
CleanupSchedulerBaseCommand |
Find tasks that have crashed and treat them
as failed |
CleanupSchedulerCommand |
Run the next job in scheduler list |
CLEditor |
Component to include CLEditor on your
page |
CLEditorConfig |
config |
ClickTrackInjecter |
Helper class for click track injction |
ConfigBinaries |
Binaries config options |
ConfigCacheHeaders |
CacheHeaders config options |
ConfigImageTools |
Config class for image
tools |
ConfigJCSSManager |
Config Options for JCSSManager |
ConfigJQuery |
JQuery Config
options |
ConfigJQueryUI |
Config options |
ConfigMemcache |
ConfigScheduler |
Defines Scheduler
Config Options |
ConfigSearchIndex |
Config options for search
index |
ConfigUsermanagement |
Usermanagement config options |
ConfigYAML |
Config for CSS YAML module |
ConfirmationHandlerBase |
Base class for handling confirmation
requests |
Confirmations |
Confirmations facade
class |
ConfirmationsController |
Confirmation controller |
ConfirmEmailUsersBaseCommand |
Confirm email of user |
ConfirmemailUsersCommand |
Confirm a user's email address |
ConfirmPasswordUsersBaseCommand |
Confirm assword change of user |
ConfirmpasswordUsersCommand |
Confirm a user's password change |
ConfirmUserDataRenderDecorator |
A render decorator that forces users to
confirm or update their account data |
ContactBaseController |
Defines a view route for contact forms |
ContactController |
Controller for Contact form |
ConverterHtmlPurifier |
Convert HTML to purified HTML |
ConverterHtmlPurifierAutoParagraph |
Convert HTML to purified HTML, automatically
inserting paragraphps |
ConverterPunycode |
Converter from and to punycode |
ConverterTextPlaceholders |
Replace place holders |
ConverterTwitter |
Converte a twitter message into HTML |
ConverterUnidecode |
ASCII transliterations of unicode text |
Countries |
Facade class for countries |
CreateaccountConfirmationHandler |
Confirm account creation |
CreateBinariesBaseCommand |
Create a binary, including binaray data |
CreateBinariesCommand |
Create a binary |
CreateConfirmationsCommand |
Create a confirmation |
CreateNotificationsCommand |
Create a notifcation and send a mail, if
necessary |
CreatePermanentloginsCommand |
Create a permanent login |
CreateSchedulerBaseCommand |
Overload create command, to respect excusive
paramter |
CreateSchedulerCommand |
Overload create command, to respect excusive
paramter |
CreateUsersBaseCommand |
Create a user command to be overloaded |
CreateUsersCommand |
Create a user |
CreateVotesBaseCommand |
Comamdn to create a vote |
CreateVotesCommand |
Comamdn to create a vote |
CSSDefaultStylesEventSink |
EventSink to deal with Content change on
domain or HtmlPage |
CSSYamlEventSink |
EventSink to deal with Content change on
domain or HtmlPage |
DAOBinaries |
DAO class for Binaries |
DAOBinariesdata |
DAO class for Binaries data |
DAOConfirmations |
Table Definition for confirmations |
DAOContinents |
Model class for continetns |
DAOCountries |
Model class for countries |
DAOCountries2countriesgroups |
Model class for assigning countries to
groups |
DAOCountriesgroups |
Model class for country groups |
DAOCountriestranslations |
Model class for translation of country
names |
DAOHijackaccountsavedsessions |
Created on 26.11.2006 |
DAOJcsscompressedfiles |
DAONotifications |
Model for notifications |
DAONotificationsexceptions |
Manage norification subcriptions |
DAONotificationssettings |
Manage norification subcriptions |
DAOPermanentlogins |
Table Definition for permanentlogins |
DAOScheduler |
DAO Class for Scheduler |
DAOSearchindex |
Searchindex default implementation |
DAOSystemUsers |
A fake user class to use as system user |
DAOTokens |
Tokens DAO class |
DAOTweets |
Stored tweets |
DAOUserroles |
Table Definition for userroles |
DAOUsers |
Table Definition for users |
DAOUsers2userroles |
Table Definition for users |
DAOVotes |
Model class for Votes |
DAOVotesaggregates |
Model class for Votes |
DashboardBase |
Dashboard base class |
DataObjectPostBase |
Model class for a rich content item |
DataObjectPostOriginatedBase |
A post that has an origin (auithor, license,
etc) |
DataObjectSearchIndexSphinxBase |
Model base class for an application wide
search index |
DataObjectSphinxBase |
A DataObject class for Sphinx indexes |
DBDriverSphinx |
DB Driver for Sphinx full text
index |
DBFieldInstanceReference |
A field holding a reference to an
instance |
DBFieldTextEmail |
A field to hold an email |
DBFieldTextHtml |
A DB Text field
holding HTML that automatically gets converted on storage |
DBFieldTextHtmlPurified |
A DB Text field
holding HTML that automatically gets purified before it is written
to DB |
DBFieldTextUrl |
A field to hold an URL |
DBFieldTristate |
An tristate enum field |
DBFilterGroupEnum |
Convenience class for creating a filter on
an enum value |
DBFilterMultiColumn |
A filter containing several columns to apply
to a search result |
DBFilterMultiColumnItem |
One Item for a multicolum Filter |
DBFilterOnLinkedTable |
Execute a given filter on a linked table,
rather than the primary table |
DBResultSetCountSphinx |
Result set for Sphinx count queries |
DBResultSetSphinx |
Result set for Sphinx |
DBSqlBuilderCountSphinx |
Count Query Builder for Sphinx |
DBSqlBuilderDeleteSphinx |
Delete Query Builder for Sphinx |
DBSqlBuilderInsertSphinx |
Insert Query Builder for Sphinx |
DBSqlBuilderSelectSphinx |
Select Query Builder for Sphinx |
DBSqlBuilderSReplaceSphinx |
Replace Query Builder for Sphinx |
DBSqlBuilderUpdateSphinx |
Update Query Builder for Sphinx |
DBSqlBuilderWhereGroupSphinx |
Where Group Query Builder for Sphinx |
DBSqlBuilderWhereSphinx |
Where Clause Query Builder for Sphinx |
DBTableDriverSwitch |
Change driver of given DBTable |
DefaultDashboard |
Default dashboard for all users |
DeleteDialogController |
This controller catches delete commands |
DigestNotificationsCommand |
Send a digest based upon settings |
DigestNotificationssettingsCommand |
Send a digest based upon settings |
EditorDashboard |
Default dashboard for editor |
EndPermanentloginsCommand |
End a permanent login |
FeedWriter |
Basic Feedwriter, extended by IRenderer to fit Gyro
style |
FeedWriterCategory |
Data Structure holding a category |
FeedWriterEnclosures |
Date Structure for enclosures |
FeedWriterItem |
Simple Date Structure holding feed item
data |
FeedWriterTitle |
Simple Date Structure holding feed data |
FetchTweetsCommand |
Fetch content from twitter |
FilterUsername |
Filter name and emial for user
name |
GeoCalculator |
Collection of useful functions related to
geo coordinates |
GeoCoordinate |
Class repersenting a coordinate |
GyroMemcache |
Wrapper around memcache/memcached |
HijackAccount |
A class wrapping some stuff regarding
hikacking |
HijackaccountAccessControl |
Defauklt Access Control for hijacking
accounts |
HijackaccountController |
HijackAccountEventSink |
EventSink to deal with system update |
HijackUsersCommand |
Command to login as another user |
IConfirmationHandler |
Interface for all confirmation handlers to
implement |
IDashboard |
Interface for Dashboard implementations |
IdentiFrac |
This is a class to generate so called
identifrac image |
IGeoLocated |
Interface for elements having geo
coordinates |
IHashAlgorithm |
Interface for Hash algorithm
implementations |
IImageInformation |
Interface for image informations |
IImageTools |
Interface for image tool delegations |
ImageInformationGD |
Implements IImageInformation for GD
lib |
ImageInformationIMagick |
Image information implementation for
IMagick |
ImageToolsCalculator |
Offers some often used calculations for
image resizing et al |
ImageToolsFactory |
Wrapper around common image operations |
ImageToolsGD |
Wrapper around common image operations based
upon GD |
ImageToolsIMagick |
Wrapper around common image operations based
upon IMagick PECL extension |
ImageToolsRect |
A simple data structure representing a
rectangle |
ImagetoolstestController |
Provide a visual test page for image
tools |
INewsSiteItem |
InputWidgetHtml |
A text area for HTML input |
InputWidgetHtmlBase |
A text area for HTML input |
InstanceReferenceRoute |
A route that contains a reference to an
instance |
InstanceReferenceSerializier |
Helper to turn an isntance into an array or
string and vice versa |
IRescheduler |
Interface for Rescheduler |
IRichtTextEditor |
An Interface for richt text editor
implementations |
ISearchIndex |
Interface for a search index |
ITextPlaceholder |
Interface for textplaceholder |
JavascriptCKEditorEventSink |
EventSink to deal with JCSSManager events |
JavascriptCLEditorEventSink |
EventSink to deal with JCSSManager events |
JavascriptJQueryEventSink |
EventSink to deal with JCSSManager events |
JavascriptJQueryUIEventSink |
EventSink to catch JCSSManager events |
JavascriptWYMEditorEventSink |
EventSink to deal with JCSSManager events |
JCSSCompressedFiles |
JCSSManager |
Helepr class for JCSSMAnager |
JCSSManagerCompressBaseCommand |
JCSSManagerCompressBaseYuiCommand |
JCSSManagerCompressCSSCommand |
Compress CSS |
JCSSManagerCompressCSSCsstidyCommand |
JCSSManagerCompressCSSYuiCommand |
JCSSManagerCompressJSClosureCommand |
JCSSManagerCompressJSCommand |
Compress JS |
JCSSManagerCompressJSYuiCommand |
JCSSManagerController |
JQuery |
Helper for using JQuery |
JQueryUI |
Helper for using JQueryUI,
defines widgets and dependencies |
LetterParameterizedRouteHandler |
Handle a single, lowercase letter
(sl-type) |
LoggedInSwitchCacheManager |
Cache manager that caches two
versions: One for logged in users and one for guests |
LoginknownUsersBaseCommand |
Login known user command to be
overloaded |
LoginknownUsersCommand |
Login known user |
LoginUsersBaseCommand |
Login command to be overloaded |
LoginUsersCommand |
Login |
LogoutUsersBaseCommand |
Logout command to be overloaded |
LogoutUsersCommand |
Logout |
MailNotificationsCommand |
Send a notification mail, if necessary |
MarkallasreadNotificationsCommand |
Mark all notifications of user as read |
MarkreadNotificationsCommand |
Mark notification as read |
Md5Hash |
Calculates an MD5 hash |
MemcacheCacheItem |
Cache Item for Memcache |
MemcacheSession |
Redirect session to write to Memcache |
NewssitemapController |
Created on 15.06.2007 |
Notifications |
Facade class for notifications model |
NotificationsAccessControl |
NotificationsController |
There are some routes to handle for
notifications |
NotificationsExceptions |
Facade class for notification
exceptions |
NotificationsExcludeRoute |
This routes auto-generates a token if given
a notification otherwiese takes current user to generate it |
NotificationsSettings |
Facade for notofocation settings |
NotifyallUsersCommand |
Send a notification to ALL users |
NotifyUsersCommand |
Send a notification to user |
NumletterParameterizedRouteHandler |
Handle a single lowercase letter or 0-9 as
numeric type |
OnetimeloginConfirmationHandler |
Confirm onetime login (lost password) |
Pas2fHash |
Calculates a hash using PHPPass 0.2 in full
mode |
Pas2pHash |
Calculates a hash using PHPPass 0.2 in
portable mode |
Pas3fHash |
Calculates a hash using PHPPass 0.3 in full
mode |
Pas3pHash |
Calculates a hash using PHPPass 0.3 in
portable mode |
PDFMaker |
PermanentLogins |
Helper functions around permant logins |
PrivateRigidEtagOnlyCacheHeaderManager |
This cache header manager allows the client
to store a page but forces it to revalidate, which though is
checked only against the etag |
ProcessSchedulerBaseCommand |
Run the next job in scheduler list |
ProcessSchedulerCommand |
Run the next job in scheduler list |
RegisterUsersBaseCommand |
Register command to be overloaded |
RegisterUsersCommand |
Register |
Rescheduler24hours |
Default reschaeduler: Only run once |
ReschedulerBase |
A base class for recheduling |
ReschedulerDiehard1 |
Run several times |
ReschedulerDiehard2 |
Run twice |
ReschedulerDiehard3 |
Run twice |
ReschedulerRushhour1 |
Run every hour |
ReschedulerRushhour2 |
Run every 2 hours |
ReschedulerRushhour3 |
Run every 3 hours |
ReschedulerTerminator1 |
Default reschaeduler: Only run once |
ReschedulerTerminator2 |
Run twice |
ReschedulerTerminator3 |
Run three times |
RescheduleSchedulerBaseCommand |
Reschedule a given task |
RescheduleSchedulerCommand |
Reschedule a given task |
RestartsessionUsersBaseCommand |
Restart session before logign in user -
created salted session id |
RestartsessionUsersCommand |
Login |
RSSWriter |
Build RSS file, targeted by FeedWriter
class |
Scheduler |
Scheduler facade class |
SchedulerBaseController |
SchedulerController |
SearchIndexBaseController |
Defines a view route for searching |
SearchIndexController |
Controller for Searching Index |
SearchIndexModelRule |
Contains rules for indexing a single
model |
SearchIndexRepository |
Repository for search index |
Sha1Hash |
Calculates an SHA1 hash |
SocialBookmark |
Holds information about a bookmark |
SocialBookmarking |
Sets and services provides by the SocialBookmarking
module |
SocialBookmarkingEventSink |
EventSink to deal with JCSSManager events |
SphinxIndexRotateCommand |
Rotates (reindex) given index |
StaticPageData |
Contains current page data |
StatusActiveSchedulerCommand |
StatusAnyUsersCommand |
Command to set status |
StatusReadNotificationsCommand |
Command to set status to read |
TemplatedBlock |
A block that renders itself from a
template |
TemplatedFullBlock |
A block that renders itself only from a
template and can be passed parameters |
TemplatedParameterizedBlock |
A block that renders itself from a template
and can be passed parameters |
TemplatedSimpleBlock |
A block that renders itself only from a
template and can be passed parameters |
TextHtmlEventSink |
EventSink to catch view rendering
events |
TextPlaceholderBase |
Basic implementation of a text
placeholder |
TextPlaceholders |
Collects and processes placeholders |
Tokens |
Facade for tokens |
Tristate |
Provides tristate logic |
Tweets |
Facade for stored tweets |
UnidecodestringParameterizedRouteHandler |
Handle ansi unidecoded string (the "spu"
type) |
UpdateUsersBaseCommand |
Update a user |
UpdateUsersCommand |
Update a user |
UserBaseController |
Basic user controller, offers log in, logout
etc |
UserRoles |
Helpers for user role retrieval |
Users |
Usermanagement Business Logic |
UsersAccessControl |
User Access Control for Users |
UsersViewEventSink |
Catch view events to extend rendering |
ValidateemailConfirmationHandler |
Confirm current email address |
ValidateUsersBaseCommand |
Validate a user before create, update
etc |
ValidateUsersCommand |
Validate a user |
ViewFactoryCacheHeaders |
Overload View Factory to create PageViews
with overloaded cache headers |
ViewFactoryJCSSManager |
Overload View Factory to cope with |
ViewFactoryStaticPageData |
Overload View Factory to catch recent
content view's PageData |
Votes |
Facade class for votes |
VotesAggregates |
Facade class for vote aggregates |
VotingController |
Controller for Voting related actions |
WidgetAlphaList |
Prints list, and ALPHA pager |
WidgetAlphaPager |
Prints letter bar |
WidgetBookmarking |
Prints social bookmarking list |
WidgetJCSS |
Print CSS and JS includes |
WidgetLatestNotifications |
Shows latest notifications |
WidgetSearchIndexSearchBox |
Widget that prints a search box |
WidgetTree |
A widgets that prints a tree, consisting of
nested |
WidgetTweets |
Output twitter messages of airline |
WidgetVotingForm |
A widget to print a voting result |
WidgetVotingResult |
A widget to print a voting result |
WidgetYAMLSubtemplates |
Prints YAML subtemplates |
WYMEditor |
Component to include WYMEditor on
your page |
WYMEditorConfig |
config |
XCacheCacheItem |
Cache Item for XCache |
XCacheSession |
Redirect session to write to XCache |