

Cleans HTML and removes malicious code. More...


class   ConverterHtmlPurifier
  Convert HTML to purified HTML. More...
class   ConverterHtmlPurifierAutoParagraph
  Convert HTML to purified HTML, automatically inserting paragraphps. More...
class   DBFieldTextHtmlPurified
  A DB Text field holding HTML that automatically gets purified before it is written to DB. More...

Detailed Description

Cleans HTML and removes malicious code.


On install, this module created directories

  • htmlpurifier/CSS
  • htmlpurifier/HTML
  • htmlpurifier/URI

in the application's temp directory with permissions set to 777. These directories must be writable by the web server.


You may pass HtmlPurifier specific parameters like this:

 $clean = ConverterFactory::encode($dirty, CONVERTER_HTMLPURIFIER, array('HTML.TidyLevel' => 'heavy'));

For a list of possible values see http://htmlpurifier.org/live/configdoc/plain.html

There is already a preconfigured converter solving the common problem to convert HTML without paragraphs like created by most CMS into valid HTML. This not only uses the AutoFormat.AutoParagraph configuration directive but tries to normalize line breaks before. This converter ias available as CONVERTER_HTMLPURIFIER_AUTOPARAGRAPH.

Of course you may also pass additional parameters.

The module comes with a DBField that purifies its content before storing it in the database. This is deprecated in favour of the more flexible DBFieldTextHtml that comes with the text.html package.

The module sets the edit fallback conversion of HtmlRules to purifing without tidying, and storage and output conversion to default Purifier.

Additional notes

HTML Purifier is released under GNU Lesser General Public License.

The version contained within this module is 4.2

See also: