Installing and Setting Up A New Project

This tutorial shows how to install Gyro and to set up a new project using the systemupdate module.

This guide is for *nix systems only.

Downloading and installing Gyro

First check out Gyro-PHP from the repository.

Once you extracted the Gyro files, there is a directory called gyro, containing three subdirectories core, install, and modules. This directory is referred to as the Gyro root directory.

There is also a directory called contributions containing additional modules.

Gyro is now installed on your system.

Setting up a new project

Creating directory structure

Gyro supports creating new projects with a set of scripts and the systemupdate module.

First, the application’s directory must be created. There is a shell script to do this, which takes two parameters:

You invoke the script like this:

{Gyro root}/install/ {/path/to/your/project} {Gyro root}

For example if Gyro is located at /var/lib/gyro-php/gyro and your project goes to /var/www/project, the command line is

/var/lib/gyro-php/install/ /var/www/project /var/lib/gyro-php

The script will create a couple of directories and copy some basic files required for a Gyro project. Right beneath your project directory you will find the following folders:

If you use version control: Now is a good time to initially upload your project into your repository.

Configuring webserver and database

For the next steps, we need the webserver and the database to be ready, so

Now copy app/config.php.example to app/config.php and adjust the following properties:

 * The domain of the app, excluding 'http://'.
define('APP_URL_DOMAIN', 'fill in!');
 * DB Constants
define('APP_DB_TYPE', 'mysql');
define('APP_DB_NAME', 'fill in!');
define('APP_DB_USER', 'fill in!');
define('APP_DB_PWD', 'fill in!');
define('APP_DB_HOST', 'localhost');
 * Mail related
define('APP_MAIL_SENDER', 'fill in!');
define('APP_MAIL_ADMIN', 'fill in!');
define('APP_MAIL_SUPPORT', 'fill in!');

The APP_DB_\* constants contain the name, user, password, and host of your database. Currently only “mysql” is fully supported as type, so don’t change this.

The APP_MAIL_\* constants contain mail addresses:

More configuration options

Gyro allows several instances of your project to run, like a development version, a staging distribution, and a live system. These are called installations. Therefore, configuration is split in two files:

Take a look at app/constants.php and change it to fit your needs, too.

If you use version control, it is a good idea to exclude app/config.php from your repository.

Running systemupdate to install tables

While everything now is configured properly, the Gyro core tables are still missing in the database. Fortunately, we can let the systemupdate module do all the required steps.

To use systemupdate, we also need the Gyro console. Open app/modules.php in your favorite text editor and make sure the modules console, and systemupdate are enabled:


The staticmainpage module isn’t really needed, but allows to easily check if everything is running.

If all required modules are enabled, run

{Gyro root}/modules/console/install/ {/path/to/your/project}

This will copy run_console.php to your application root directory. Change to your project directory and run

php app/run_console.php systemupdate

If everything is OK, there should be a couple of success messages being displayed.

If you now point your browser to your project domain, you should see the staicmainpage module’s default message: “It works, GYRO is ready to be used on your system”. Congratulations!